Friday, January 11, 2013

The Princess and the Pauper

So, I was off Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Hmmmmm, what better way to spend my off-days than going to Tulsa and seeing my girlfriend Lady Brittany Copeland.  I know, I couldn't think of anything better either, it's okay :)

So I set off for Tulsa Tuesday evening and arrived around 930ish.  It RAINED ALL THE WAY!!!!!!  Totally retarded, and slightly sleep inducing lol  Just kidding mom and dad :)  I was fine.....

Again I was privileged to get to meet Daniel and Tasha Copeland.  Really nice and very welcoming to me...Good to see you guys again.  (In case you're reading this )  Back to the tale... Wednesday morning, Miss Brittany was nice enough to prepare breakfast for us.  Breakfast burritos and Cinnamon Rolls.  They were fabulous and I myself am not really a fan of breakfast burritos.  Cinnamon Rolls are just the best invention ever in my opinion.  So then we just hung out for awhile, looked at some picture albums and old yearbooks, Bro Copeland instructed me in the ways of paper cutting machines which was very interesting and an integral part of his printing business.  Around 12ish, Kristen joined the wild party and good times continued to roll on.  We met up with Memaw and Pepaw Thurman for lunch/dinner at Los Cabos by the Bass Pro Shop.  It was fantastic!! I highly recommend the Mexico City Tacos w/ fajita steak.

So we went to the Bass Pro Shop afterwards.  I had the hilarious privilege of  trying to teach Kristen and Britt how to shoot a rifle.....well, the Laser Gallery Range rifles anyways.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!  I thought I'd die.   Im from Texas, see. And we Texans are born with the natural and excellent gift of marksmanship.  So, here I am trying to teach two Tulsa city girls how to #1- Hold the thing correctly, and #2- Aim and Shoot.  And hit the target.   Thank you both for a good laugh :):):)
  Then it was back the Copeland's for some more chillaxing time before the service that evening.
Eld. Howard did a fantastic job delivering the Word of God Wednesday Night.  Serving God With Gladness.... Definitely gives you a new perspective in the kind of approach you take with the Word of God and His Service.  I'd also like to extend my gratitude to the Elder for allowing me to be able to make these journeys.  Thank you, sir....

Seems I am somewhat of a celebrity in Tulsa.  Everyone I know came up to me.........No way I could list you all without leaving someone out.  I did get to see my long time, faithful, family friends Bro. and Sis. Waldrep.  These people...You couldn't hope to find better, Godlier friends than The Waldrep Family.  Jonathan and Kaylen are my brother and sister.  They don't know this but Bro. and Sis. Waldrep are like an Uncle and Aunt to me.  Awesome people!

Thursday,  We had a great breakfast with Mrs. Lindsay and Mr. Little Peyton, who was fascinated with a glass of water almost the whole time.  After I ate too much, we went to this nice consignment shop called, "Echo."  This is not your traditional store.  This is like very nice, brand name stuff.  Very clean and well organized.  We then went to Barnes & Noble bookstore and looked at the vast selection of literature.  Found some old friends on those shelves that I hadn't seen in years.  After that, hung out at their house with the family until departure time.

All in all, a fabulous time with fabulous people.  Thanks to the Copeland's for putting up with this Texan.  And for the generous hospitality.  Thanks to my pretty lady for making the trip really worth the drive :)  God has indeed blessed me beyond measure with a precious, Godly, beautiful young lady.  It is amazing how He has orchestrated this together.  Especially when both parties involved put God first above all else.  Trust me, if not for submission ( I am not bragging or pinning roses), we wouldn't be anywhere.  Neither one of us.  Maybe there will be a post about the story.  God is so wonderful!  Looking forward to many more trips in the future and many more great memories......

See Brittany's blog for any pics......

Until next time,

-Travis E. Lee, CEO East Texas Blogging Services, Inc.

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