Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Vice Presidental Candidacy Platform/Introductory Speech

My Fellow Amer'kins,

Troublesome times are indeed here. Mens hearts are filling with fear, and the freedoms we all hold dear are now at stake. Through the abuse of power by certain Democratic persons as yet unnamed, America is quickly an dangerously becoming a Socialist Republic.  The Republicans have been uncharacteristically unwilling to make a big deal about our current Regime implementing its own total government control agenda against the will of the People.  Im not calling for a Communist "People's Nation" ........Im calling for the old

United States of America.  The very one President Abraham Licncoln famously talked about as  "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, that shall not perish from the earth." The very same government that defeated, at the time, the most powerful army and the most dangerous navy orf the British Empire, all for the right to be free and independent.  The same Nation whose Founding Fathers penned the words, " We the People," fought and died and gave of their lives....How can we as Americans turn our backs on the Principles we fought so long and hard for during the American Revolution, War of 1812 (the War in which Francis Scott Key from the captivity of a British warship penned the Immortal words to our Anthem), the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, War in Afghanistan, Operation Iraqi Freedom......

I am a Texan. Our mighty and proud state was forged from the raw wilderness and from the blood of Texas Patriots. Men like Stephen Austin, Lt. Col. William Barrett Travis, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston, and many others who gave their lives for a vision of what Texas could and should be.  From the bloodstained grounds of the Alamo, to the San Jacinto battlefield, from the "Come and Take It" flag at Gonzales, to the proud patriots at Victoria....We Texans hold freedom and liberty close to our hearts.  

How can I, being a Texan with my roots grounded soil stained by the blood of Texas Patriots, stand idly by and watch as power hungry, greedy, lying, Godless politicians drive America into the ground???  I cannot!  As Patrick Henry stated so famously," Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!"

 Lt. Col. Travis stated at the end of his final letter,"I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country — Victory or Death." I would bring shame upon the man who is my namesake if I did not speak out against this Tryannical Regime.  

I am announcing my candidacy for Vice President of the United States.  I will be the running mate of CEO Jeron Rotert, who is running for President.  We will stand against this tide of greed, lies, godlessness, and corruption.  We will make sure that the voice of the American People does not go unheard.  It will resonate from our blogs and wherever we go.  Oklahomans and Texans will stand together, we will bring these two states into a force of Conservatism and God-fearing Principles.  Your votes and support are needed.  All financial support can be sent to our Campaign Headquarters in Tulsa, OK by care of Mr. Rotert.  We will not squander your donations....They will go towards building a powerhouse Campaign that will dominate in 2016.

In closing, we as Amer'kins must stand up as we did in the days of old for our Rights, Freedoms, adn Liberties.  What happened to those "certain unalienable rights" so eloquently expounded upon by John Locke???  Why stand we here idle?!?!?!?!???  Rise up America!!  Take up the Standard of Liberty and Justice!!!  We can overcome this onslaught of Socialism and Communism threatening our way of life.  Until the Flag of America stops waving, until Lady Liberty stops standing and lowers her torch, until the Liberty Bell no longer tolls for Liberty, until we have no breath in our bodies, until our money runs out.........Jeron and I shall not give up the fight.  

Stand Strong Americans!!!!!!!!!

-CEO Travis Lee, Vice Presidential Candidate 2016


  1. You both are DORKS! There is no way, in all the world, I would vote for either one of you! Our country would fall to pieces with all the shenanigans. Buncha crazies!!
    I think we'd all get a good 4 years worth of laughs, though:)

  2. Your lack of faith in your friend, Mr Rotert amazes me.

    Your lack of support in your BOYFRIEND.....quite frankly, it hurts me. I stood by you when you didn't know me....and I've supported you since we've known each other. I really thought the one person I could depend on would have been you....shows that you don't really know some people.

    Then you can wallow in the gloom an depression of a Socialistic country....

  3. Very good piece Mr. Lee! That's the American spirit that we should all have! Ms Copeland has been blinded by the false and has believed a delusion. So sad hopefully she will see the light someday.

    1. Im really trying to help her see the Light. But not all Tulsans are level-headed and reasonable as you are... I only pray she has not strayed to far....
