Thursday, January 24, 2013

Texas Memories

Okay so here are some pictures from a session we had done out at Wright Patman Lake.
It is a beautiful lake with great locations for pictures.  My thanks to Sis Anita Harrod for the
sacrifice of time and effort to make it possible....Enjoy people :)

                                                    This is by the spillway on the lakeside

One of ten million pine trees in East Texas lol

At the shore on Elliots Bluff. 

No we arent holding hands lol

The water was freezing cold btw :)
Lets get out of the water please :)

Texas Highway Dept. Central Park

Couldnt Resist  lol


 So yeah, this is only a few out of like 300 something prints.  Pretty incredible.  But we had lots of fun and a great time together this weekend.  When things are done the way God and our Pastors have laid out, happiness is the only plausible outcome.  God is so good to me.  Great Men of God who know whats best and a God who knows whats best.  And a beautiful and Godly young lady.   I cant complain, ya'll.  Maybe I will put some more up sporadically thoruoghout the weeks ahead :)
Ya'll come back now, hear?
- Travis E. Lee, Texan Extraordinaire

Monday, January 21, 2013

Just a quick one here...

Just noticed that we have a new follwer here on the coolest Texas blog.........Miss Kelsi Marie.   Welcome aboard and I hope you have lots of fun reading this crazy person's blog.  Good to have you with us.....

I will try to post for every new follower if possible...


My Girl :)

So, as most of ya'll know, I have the best girlfriend ever.  Or maybe you don't because she isn't yours :)   Well, just trust me on this one, here.  Miss Brittany Lyn is seriously the best.  Also, the most beautiful, but maybe I am a little biased on that one, but hey, why shouldn't I be?  So, Miss Brittany and her family came left the barren and forsaken land of Oklahoma and journeyed to the Land of Dreams and Freedom, The Republic of Texas.  Oh, what a time it was!!!  Memories for a lifetime were made.

So they rolled into the Metropolis of Atlanta, TX around 9pm-ish.  Mom had made her famous Gumbo and we sat down to a wonderful meal and great fellowship.  Lots of laughter and full bellies later, we looked at some old and hilarious pictures of my family and such like.  The best part was just spending time with Miss Brittany.  She is really an awesome person, if you dont know her you should meet her.  You will quickly find that she is a Godly and wonderful Apostolic young lady.  Hilarious, intelligent, and SOMETIMES ORNERY.  She has this ornery streak that she hides very well, but beware, it is just beneath the surface ready to wreak its havoc :)  I can say that because 1.) I am her boyfriend and 2.) Because I have fallen victim to it many times.  Beware ;)  

Saturday I had to work a little while in the evening so I slept a little bit later and headed off to work.  My family and hers went to Jefferson, Tx, which is an old historic riverboat port-town.  Lots of antique shops and great eating establishments are in the downtown district.  I will let her elucidate further of those adventures.  Around 530 they arrived in Texarkana to meet me at Lafferty's Home Center to head over to Olive Garden for supper.  She was able to meet the great staff here, Mark Lafferty (boss), Cindy (sales), and Pat (sales).  Mason was off on a camping trip so he missed the chance, sorry bud.  

Olive Garden was fantastic!!  As usual, we ate too much and ended up very full and satisfied with the dining experience.  Then it was off to the Central Mall for some shopping and hangout time together.  Surprise, surprise, Miss Brittany only bought one item.  And it wasn't even for her!!!!  Gave me a heart attack lol  She got a gift from me as well........Why?  Well, she is my girlfriend and she is pretty and she is amazing.  Three good reasons right there.  

So we then headed back to A-Town and went to the church for a bit of song practice.  Yes, we were blessed to have Miss Brittany and Miss Kristen Copeland sing for us Sunday.  Sunday morning they sang "Through It All" and did a fantastic job.  Sunday night they sang " God On the Mountain" and did a fantastic job as well.  Great moves of God in both services, especially the Altar Service.  Sunday Night was phenomenal!!!!!!!!!!  Oh man!  Ya'll should have been there to experience it.

After service Sunday morning, we met Sis Anita Harrod at Wright Patman Lake for a picture session.  I will post some when I can get them uploaded.  That was fun :)  I feel like the pictures will turn out wonderful.  Lots of good shots and some great locations for pictures at Wright Patman.  Then it was time for Sunday Night service.   Afterwards it was pizza and desert at our house.  And some more good times and laughter with the Copeland's.  Unfortunately, they couldn't stay forever.  I wish, but it was not feasible.  So, it was a round of good-byes and we-will-see-you-laters for everyone.  It was a teeny bit bittersweet for me, I must admit.  It was fun, and you know it had to end and you expected it.  But at the same time, you didn't want it to.  Oh well, I'm sure many more trips both directions are in the future.  At least, I hope so, if God wills.

Three sets of "Thank-Yous" need to be expressed. 

 First, to Eld. Gary Howard of TLC for allowing the Copeland's to make the trip down and also for giving his permission/blessing for Miss Brittany and I to see each other.  My most sincere and humble gratitude to you, sir......

Second, to Bro. and Sis. Copeland and Miss Kristen for consenting to come down as well.  You people are an amazing family and great people.  Thank for coming down and providing us with a good time.

Finally, to my wonderful Miss Brittany ;)  Thank-you for making the trip to Texas to come and see me.  You are a wonderful young-lady, I am proud to be your boyfriend, and you are the best and Godliest girlfriend to have.  And I shall send a photo CD as soon as I get mine.  Thank-you for helping to make some great memories...... 

Okay, that should suffice for now.  I will post some pics later and Im sure my sidekick will post some here later, when she feels like posting about it all.  But, for now, I bid my dillegent readers and followers a big Texas "ADIOS AMIGOS!!!!!!!"

Standing for the Republic,

Colonel Travis E. Lee, Army of the Republic of Texas

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Natives Are Uprising

Hmmmm.... It has come to my attention that I left somebody out in my original post shout-outs.  I was threatened with physical, mental, and emotional harm if the situation was not rectified.  So whilst I am shaking in terror  I do begin.........

Shout-out to Marissa Rodgers-

HEY MARISSA!! HOW ARE YOU DOING?  I HOPE YOU ARE NOT STILL UPSET AT ME....I AM SORRY FOR NOT SHOUTING OUT TO YOU!  :):):):)    Makes my fingers hurt to shout like that lol

No, seriously Marissa is a cool gal.  Friendly and nice, always smiling and cheerful.  She is a good friend to have on your side.....Just dont forget to give her shout-outs.  The Animal will surface to wreak its merciless vengeance upon you.  She better be careful.....I have connections with certain people of interest :)  Tread carefully Miss Rodgers....Heh-Heh-Heh!!!! Its all in good fun.  She is a great sport and a great person.  Hi, Marissa!

Lets see.........I shall just name everyone I can think of.  If I leave you out this time, well, Im sorry and get over it ROFL  ok...... Kelsey/Kelsi (forgive misspellings as well), Lauren, Kaylen, Shelby, Dana, Brooke, Kwisten, Bwittany, Joe-Nathan, Justin, Trent, Ben, Brian, Brandon, Devin, CEO Jeron Rotert, Logan, uhmmmm....Matt Rodgers and his wife, Austin and Chantelle Rodgers and the little one, Bristol? Nelson and Lindsay...Bro. Brandon Morrell and family.  The Copelands of course.  Thats all I can directly name off.  Some of you I know, but am drawing a blank with names.  So to the other unnamed and unsung heroes up at the TLC, Hi!

Hopefully, this will keep the natives from causing an uprising again.  I dont want to be the cause of bitterness and bad spirits and people losing out because of my apparent callousness.  Oh man.....This is a total goofball post, but oh well life needs its share of goofballs to even it all out.  Thats why I am here :)  Later people, have fun and watch out for pirates and zonkeys.....

Doing His Part,

Travis Lee, Goofball Extraordinaire

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Princess and the Pauper

So, I was off Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Hmmmmm, what better way to spend my off-days than going to Tulsa and seeing my girlfriend Lady Brittany Copeland.  I know, I couldn't think of anything better either, it's okay :)

So I set off for Tulsa Tuesday evening and arrived around 930ish.  It RAINED ALL THE WAY!!!!!!  Totally retarded, and slightly sleep inducing lol  Just kidding mom and dad :)  I was fine.....

Again I was privileged to get to meet Daniel and Tasha Copeland.  Really nice and very welcoming to me...Good to see you guys again.  (In case you're reading this )  Back to the tale... Wednesday morning, Miss Brittany was nice enough to prepare breakfast for us.  Breakfast burritos and Cinnamon Rolls.  They were fabulous and I myself am not really a fan of breakfast burritos.  Cinnamon Rolls are just the best invention ever in my opinion.  So then we just hung out for awhile, looked at some picture albums and old yearbooks, Bro Copeland instructed me in the ways of paper cutting machines which was very interesting and an integral part of his printing business.  Around 12ish, Kristen joined the wild party and good times continued to roll on.  We met up with Memaw and Pepaw Thurman for lunch/dinner at Los Cabos by the Bass Pro Shop.  It was fantastic!! I highly recommend the Mexico City Tacos w/ fajita steak.

So we went to the Bass Pro Shop afterwards.  I had the hilarious privilege of  trying to teach Kristen and Britt how to shoot a rifle.....well, the Laser Gallery Range rifles anyways.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!  I thought I'd die.   Im from Texas, see. And we Texans are born with the natural and excellent gift of marksmanship.  So, here I am trying to teach two Tulsa city girls how to #1- Hold the thing correctly, and #2- Aim and Shoot.  And hit the target.   Thank you both for a good laugh :):):)
  Then it was back the Copeland's for some more chillaxing time before the service that evening.
Eld. Howard did a fantastic job delivering the Word of God Wednesday Night.  Serving God With Gladness.... Definitely gives you a new perspective in the kind of approach you take with the Word of God and His Service.  I'd also like to extend my gratitude to the Elder for allowing me to be able to make these journeys.  Thank you, sir....

Seems I am somewhat of a celebrity in Tulsa.  Everyone I know came up to me.........No way I could list you all without leaving someone out.  I did get to see my long time, faithful, family friends Bro. and Sis. Waldrep.  These people...You couldn't hope to find better, Godlier friends than The Waldrep Family.  Jonathan and Kaylen are my brother and sister.  They don't know this but Bro. and Sis. Waldrep are like an Uncle and Aunt to me.  Awesome people!

Thursday,  We had a great breakfast with Mrs. Lindsay and Mr. Little Peyton, who was fascinated with a glass of water almost the whole time.  After I ate too much, we went to this nice consignment shop called, "Echo."  This is not your traditional store.  This is like very nice, brand name stuff.  Very clean and well organized.  We then went to Barnes & Noble bookstore and looked at the vast selection of literature.  Found some old friends on those shelves that I hadn't seen in years.  After that, hung out at their house with the family until departure time.

All in all, a fabulous time with fabulous people.  Thanks to the Copeland's for putting up with this Texan.  And for the generous hospitality.  Thanks to my pretty lady for making the trip really worth the drive :)  God has indeed blessed me beyond measure with a precious, Godly, beautiful young lady.  It is amazing how He has orchestrated this together.  Especially when both parties involved put God first above all else.  Trust me, if not for submission ( I am not bragging or pinning roses), we wouldn't be anywhere.  Neither one of us.  Maybe there will be a post about the story.  God is so wonderful!  Looking forward to many more trips in the future and many more great memories......

See Brittany's blog for any pics......

Until next time,

-Travis E. Lee, CEO East Texas Blogging Services, Inc.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So Miss Kristen Copeland is the winner of the contest.  Didnt know there was one, you say???  Well, guess you should follow my blog more carefully then.....Heh Heh!  Yes, it was who could be the first next follower on my blog.  My good friend Michael Gonzales, blog here, was the first before anyone so he claims that space.

But my sister, Kristen, has stepped up to the cause.  Putting her life on the line in the face of danger and destruction.  Through the long dark nights, stressful battles, Kristen Copeland stood strong and courageous in the fight. She persevered through the many other fanatical fans of my blog and was the first.  Weary, wounded, she now stands victorious.  The Official First Next Follower!!!!!  Congratulations Kristen Copeland!!!  

We have another winner as well......Coming in at a close second is Mr. Jeron Rotert!!!!!  I am excited to have such a powerful and influential member of the blogging world with me.  His encouraging and inspirational blog has led millions of people into the enlightened world of common sense.  He is also the President and CEO of "The Adventures of Jeron Rotert," a very highly successful blog and the leader of the financial powerhouses in the Blogger Universe.  Thank You, good sir, for your endorsement.

My thanks to these fine, stable, upstanding citizens of America.  Songs of victory and bravery will be sung around campfires.....Statues and parades.....Medals of Heroism.....Well, maybe.  Not from me because of the small issue of not enough money.  Everybody else needs to step up now.  Get yourself signed up and checked in.  Much like a Television Ministry lol  Just picking :)  Have fun everybody and be safe....

-Travis E. Lee, CEO, East Texas Blogging Services Inc.

What Is Your Isaac??

So we are doing the year long Bible Reading program and I was at Genesis....Chapters 21-23.  The particular portion that caught my eye was were God told Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice unto Him.  As  
I read the story, I had a thought pop into my head.......What Is My Isaac?  To the readers, What Is Your Isaac?  Really got me to thinking about what things in my life would please God if they were sacrificed.  What is it in your life that God would ask of you?  Bear in mind the fact that if it is your Isaac, then it will be something so precious to you.  Something that means a lot........But by doing so you gain the favour and trust of God.  You show Him that there is nothing in this world that can separate you from Him.   And one last point............Abraham didnt lose Isaac.  God provided the sacrifice when He saw Abraham meant business. He saw Abraham's faith and total trust and in the end He did not require Abraham to give up his promise.  Its  amazing how you can read a story and hear it preached so many times and suddenly something pops out at you.  The Bible could be read for a million years and I firmly believe something new could still be found within the depths of those Holy Scriptures.  

Just some food for thought today.....I will be shameless here.  I need some more followers.  My friend Bro. Michael Gonzales is getting lonely in the sidebar :)  So yeah, Brittany, Marissa, Jeron, all you bloggers help me out here please :):)    Tanks a million guys..... Alright thats it for now.  See ya'll at the next go-round.

- Colonel Travis, Army of the Republic of Texas ( aka God's Army)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Taking The Plunge

Well, it appears yet another person has succumbed to the world of blogging.  I am now officially announcing the opening of my blog.  (Feel free to send your financial support to this good cause lol)  Let me forewarn everyone who will be following me diligently on this blogger journey....... I may not post regularly. I tend to forget things easily so forgive me in advance.  Id like to give some shout outs  to my Okla-Homies at the Lighthouse Church of Tulsa.  Whats Up!!  Also to my awesome family, Mom, Dad, and Meagan.  My brother Jonathan, always there.  My other sister Kristen, hilarious.  And my pretty lady, Miss Brittany Copeland.

Okay enough shouting.....Thats about it.  I will post events I deem funny or serious enough that yall can enjoy.

This blog is brought to you in part by the Blogger Dashboard, Microsoft computer software, and my Lafferty's work computer lol  Thanks for tuning in and following my blog people :)

Adios from Texas
-Travis E. Lee