Nope it aint Christmas, so yall kin all jest calm down. All my money (after tithe and offerings) goes to my sweetheart and Rotert/Lee Campaign Funds. Not random Christmas presents in June.... ITS TIME FOR YOUTH CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, it is indeed..... I can hardly wait for tomorrow to get here. Cause, thats when we leave for Henrietta, OK. More specifically Tiger Mountain Retreat. I was actually disappointed that I didnt see any tigers last year. I mean, why name it after tigers if there aint any tigers??? Hmmm.... I'll just have to make some phone calls. I want tigers. Like a whole flock of tigers. Bengal and Siberian. Big ol honking suckers that could shred the skin of you in a New York minute. This is possible....Why hasn't it been done??? Bro Austin Rodgers, I am requesting a flock of tigers this year at Camp. But I digress......
Camp is a wonderful experience, all tiger jokes aside. It was one of the most impactful weeks of my life. The atmosphere of the entire Camp is one of unity. Everyone there is on the same page and there for the same reason. To get away from it all and have awesome church. And awesome doesn't even do it justice, people. All from Tulsa can agree with me when I say that it is an experience that you have to be there to really understand and fully grasp. The services are personal. The moving of God feels like it is just for you. It is so deep and refreshing..... And I still cant do it justice. Absolutely not......It is just amazing. A wonderful experience that any Apostolic young person should get the privilege to enjoy. It will change your life.
For me, another great aspect of Youth Camp is the fact that the Friday of Camp will always mark the anniversary of Miss Brittany Lyn and I officially becoming a dating couple. It was there in a meeting with Eld. Howard, my Pastor, and her parents that Miss Brittany and I received permission to start a 3mnth trial period in which we could communicate back and forth. Then after those three months were up, after talking with my Pastor, Eld. Howard, and her parents, I again recieved permission. This time it was permission to be able to travel to Tulsa to see her and take her out. And oh the joy that has ensued. It has been the most wonderful year ever. Many many memories have been made that will last a lifetime. I cherish every one and will always hold them dear. Now, I have since learned of the hostilities that exist between certain Oklahoma elements and this humble and meek Texan. A particular gentleman, and I wont say Bro Doug Howard's name because I dont want to name folks here, but this particular gentleman has even used the threat of deportation by the Border Patrol to try and deter my harmless romantic activities. Now I didnt take that too seriously. It is funny that one Oklahoma Border Patrol unit would even THINK that they could stop ONE Texan. Laughable. I mean seriously????? It took 1,800 Mexicans to subdue almost 200 Texans. Come on now.... How many Oklahomans would it take for just ONE Texan????? Too many let me tell ya.
He has repeatedly said that he is watching me.... And I believe him. He has connections to powerful people in the Tulsa Church. BUT, Im not worried. Im a Texan. We were born in adversity. We are used to fighting for the priceless and the valuable. For that one cherished thing we hold so dear.
All in all however, he is a fine and upstanding gentleman. One of (if not THE) nicest men you will meet. Has a wonderful sense of humor; he is from Oklahoma so he has to have one. I have enjoyed the privilege of making his acquaintance. Just a great man and an inspiration. If he can ever just get used to the idea of a Texan being respectable :):):) Its all in good fun... I had to give Bro. Doug Howard a shout-out here on my blog.
Wow!!! This has been one random post lol Good Honk! Oh..... One last news item on the docket. I could not forget this one. Nossireebob!!!
I want to wish the most wonderful young lady in all the world a Happy Birthday!!! Happy 21st Birthday to my amazing girl, Miss Brittany Lyn.... may God bless you with many more birthdays in the years to come.. I wish my Girl all the best on this day.
Alrighty then! That is gonna wrap things up here for the time being. Just a little bit of weird randomness from Travis' head today. Hope you at least crack a little bit of a smile with this posting. I hope so...Adios Amigos!!!
-Travis Lee,
Texas Ninja ShadowMaster
Monday, June 24, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have called this blog conference to officially announce the First Presidential Debate of Rotert/Lee HQ. This will be a Townhall style of debate. Not a full open forum, but there will be limited audience participation. Attending the debate will be Mr Rotert and myself, guest speakers Trenton Bundy and Darrin Rotert. We have not established yet who will be moderator, but there will be more info at a later time. We will cover a myriad of topics relevant to this presidential election. The hard-hitting topics that will show our American people what we believe and stand for. It will take place Thursday, June 27th, Tiger Mountain, OK.
That is all for now. Be careful on yalls way home tonite. The Dept of Health has released a warning of several as of yet unidentified sources of the virus, Homosapius Zombiesian. Maintain vigilance with all vigilance. Thank you and God Bless America.
-Travis Lee, VP Candidate 2016, Zombie Exterminator Extraordinaire
I have called this blog conference to officially announce the First Presidential Debate of Rotert/Lee HQ. This will be a Townhall style of debate. Not a full open forum, but there will be limited audience participation. Attending the debate will be Mr Rotert and myself, guest speakers Trenton Bundy and Darrin Rotert. We have not established yet who will be moderator, but there will be more info at a later time. We will cover a myriad of topics relevant to this presidential election. The hard-hitting topics that will show our American people what we believe and stand for. It will take place Thursday, June 27th, Tiger Mountain, OK.
That is all for now. Be careful on yalls way home tonite. The Dept of Health has released a warning of several as of yet unidentified sources of the virus, Homosapius Zombiesian. Maintain vigilance with all vigilance. Thank you and God Bless America.
-Travis Lee, VP Candidate 2016, Zombie Exterminator Extraordinaire
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